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“When someone really hears you without passing judgement on you, without taking responsibility for you, without trying to mold you, it feels so good….

When I have been listened to and when I have been heard, I am able to perceive my world in a new way and to go on.”

Carl Jung

Learn More!

What are the CORE Community Wellness Centers?


SWS is in partnership with Turning Point Community Programs (TPCP) to provide our expertise in the areas of wellness, recovery, community outreach, self-help services, and Peer Support. TPCP has 3 Community Outreach Recovery Empowerment (CORE) Programs, all of which include Community Wellness Centers where SWS staff provide Peer services. These services are peer led, recovery-oriented support services and activities that enhance connectedness and decreased isolation for adults 18+ year old.


Examples of services:


  • Education and support groups

  • Peer Support

  • Navigation support including information, referrals, and linkage to mental health programs

  • Coaching and mentoring activities including setting recovery goals

  • Other supportive services that promote individualized wellness


This program is funded by Turning Point Community Programs



CORE Rosin

Phone: (916) 567-4222
Fax: (916) 567-4220
Address: 3810 Rosin Ct,
Suite 170, Sacramento, CA 95834

CORE Madison

Phone: (916) 388-3231
Fax: (916) 388-3232
Address: 3628 Madison Ave, Suites 6, 7, and 10
North Highlands, CA 95660

CORE Elk Grove

Phone: (916) 509-8198
Fax: (916) 509-8199
Address: 9340 E. Stockton Blvd,
Elk Grove, CA 95624

CORE Locations

You can visit TPCP's website directly for information about the

Turning Point CORE Program here


If you need information on the other CORE Programs throughout

Sacramento County, or if you need mental health services, please call

Sacramento County Adult Access at (916) 875-1055.

© 2024 by Sustainable Wellness Solutions

(formerly known as Consumers Self Help Center)

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